Bedrich Benes, Michel Abdul Massih, Philip Jarvis, Daniel G. Aliaga, Carlos A. Vanegas, "Urban Ecosystem Design", ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 2011. (DOI)
Oscar Ruiz, Carlos A. Vanegas, Carlos Cadavid, "Ellipse-based Principal Component Analysis for Self-intersecting Curve Reconstruction from Noisy Point Sets", The Visual Computer, 27(3): 211-226, 2011. (DOI)
Carlos A. Vanegas, Daniel G. Aliaga, Pascal Mueller, Paul Waddell, Benjamin Watson, Peter Wonka, "Modeling the Appearance and Behavior of Urban Spaces", Computer Graphics Forum (also in Eurographics 2009 State‐of‐the‐Art Reports), 29(1),25-42 2010. (DOI)
Carlos A. Vanegas, Daniel G. Aliaga, Bedrich Benes, Paul Waddell, “Interactive Design of Urban Spaces using Geometrical and Behavioral Modeling”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (also in Proceedings SIGGRAPH Asia), 28(5), 2009. (DOI)
Carlos A. Vanegas, Daniel G. Aliaga, Bedrich Benes, Paul Waddell, "Visualization of Simulated Urban Spaces: Inferring Parameterized Generation of Streets, Parcels, and Aerial Imagery", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(3):424‐435, 2009. (DOI)
Daniel G. Aliaga, Carlos A. Vanegas, Bedrich Benes, “Interactive Example‐Based Urban Layout Synthesis”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (also in Proceedings SIGGRAPH Asia), 27(5), 2008. (DOI)
Daniel G. Aliaga, Bedrich Benes, Carlos A. Vanegas, Nathan Andrysco, “Interactive Reconfiguration of Urban Layouts”, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (Special Issue on Urban Modeling), 28(3):38‐47, 2008. (DOI)
Oscar Ruiz, Carlos A. Vanegas, “Statistical Assessment of Global and Local Cylinder Wear”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 1:387‐392, 2007. (DOI)
Oscar Ruiz, Carlos A. Vanegas, Carlos Cadavid, “Principal Component and Voronoi Skeleton alternatives for curve reconstruction from noisy point sets”, Journal of Engineering Design, 18(5):437‐457, 2007. (DOI)